We’re delighted to announce our 2015 project to celebrate World Water Day is ‘The Great Drain Game’.
We’re sponsoring the development of an interactive resource called “The Great Drain Game” which the Marlborough District Council will use to teach local primary school students and the wider community about how our wastewater and stormwater systems work – as well as reinforce messages around water conservation.
Water is set to become a huge issue for, Marlborough, New Zealand, and the world. The latest report from the UN predicts a 40% water shortfall by 2030. We believe it’s critical we take a proactive approach in regards to the smart use of water, and an awareness of water conservation. What better place to start than with educating the next generation.
The Marlborough District Council’s freshwater educator, Anna Crowe, delivers a stormwater education programme in schools – and this resource will allow the programme to become a very hands-on learning experience. The resource will also be available for use at community events, such as the Amazing Eco-Race and school galas.
The Great Drain Game is the second in our series of World Water Day projects for Southern Water Engineering – with the 2014 project being the rainwater tank at Springlands School.
- Children from Springlands School, Rapaura School & Witherlea School try out the first stages of ‘The Great Drain Game’ with Mike Cooper (Southern Water Engineering’s Operations Manager) & Anna Crowe (MDC Freshwater Educator)
- Trying out The Great Drain Game
- The Great Drain Game
- The Great Drain Game – following on from the Fish in Drains initiative